Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Need for CHANGE is Clear

Today, there was a community forum for the residents of Capitol Towers (900 G St NE). My opponent and I were both present. And, something interesting happened...once he spoke, everyone had questions. Not about his candidacy...the residents had questions about the myriad developments and initiatives underway in ANC 6A02 and the surrounding community.

As I sat and listened, I witnessed the perplexed looks on the faces of the residents. No one had ever come to explain these initiatives to the residents. No one had ever come to ask the input of the residents on these initiatives.

All of this to say: the need for CHANGE is clear. Today, several people asked to have meetings with their ANC Commissioner. The seniors living in Capitol Towers should not have to wait for an election season community forum before their ANC representative comes to see them.

You shouldn't have to wait until an election season before you hear from your ANC Commissioner!

We must begin "creating a new community." By now, I have personally knocked on most of the doors in the neighborhood. By the time you go to vote on Tuesday (unless you've voted early), I will have personally knocked on every door - and made contacts in every apartment building - within ANC 6A02.

I knock on your door because I want you to know me. I knock on your door because I want to know you. In response to the question, "what is CHANGE for our neighborhood" I say the change is that you will have a say in the development of your neighborhood.

YOU shouldn't have to wait for election season for your representative to pay you a visit. You should not have to wait for an election to hear a report on the initiatives of the ANC. It shouldn't take an election for you to have the opportunity to voice your concerns.

My goal is to "keep it simple." And, my pledge is that I will engage you in the development of the neighborhood. That's why my campaign literature has a phone number and an email. That's why I've set up this blog and the Google Group. That is why I have begun hosting a monthly meetup. I want to provide you with ample ways to get involved in the development of your neighborhood.

Most of you have told me that you do not know who my opponent is. Most of you have said that you have never met your ANC Commissioner. You have met me. You will continue to see me. You know how to reach me.

As we come close to the end of the campaign, I want you to think about who would be better at representing the specific issues that matter to your block. Ask yourself, you is better suited to serve your interests: someone who never took the time to know you, or someone who's primary purpose is to know you?

We are all caught in the winds of CHANGE...not a figurative change, but a fundamental change in the way politicians do business. In this era of involvement and an egaged constituency, we cannot continue to support those who do not engage the people.

GET INVOLVED!!! Join a group...and,

On November 4th, Vote for CHANGE. Vote #2 - Jabriel S. Ballentine for ANC 6A02 Commissioner. I look forward to serving you.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Creating a New Community

A funny thing happens when you try to create something better. Time and again, when people try to look out for their own interests and become involved in their community, we find that those in power wish to stop those efforts in order to hold on to power. Why must people stifle democracy in order to maintain their positions?

We must have CHANGE for Our Neighborhood!

To create a truly strong neighborhood, you must have the help of your neighbors. How can the Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner create a better community if he is not known in the community?

Would you trust someone you do not know? Would you follow someone you do not trust? Should you have a leader who you do not trust to follow?

It's been said: A leader no one follows is just taking a walk.

This may be my first campaign, but I don't plan on just taking a walk. I want to build your trust. I want to build a stronger neighborhood and I understand that I need the help of my neighbors. I want the community to know me...I want to know the community.

That is CHANGE for your neighborhood! That is why I have knocked on your doors to meet you. That is why my campaign literature has my contact information. I want you to know me...I want you to contact me. Together, I want us to create a new community.

Underhanded campaign tactics do nothing to improve the lighting on your block. Tearing down campaign signs does not build a strong community. Big time endorsements from people who do not live in our neighborhood mean nothing to the parking problems on your block. Quotes from newspapers neither make your neighborhood safer nor alleviate problems with loitering.

You need accomplishments and goals that are specific to YOUR neighborhood.

In this season of CHANGE, we cannot go back to the way things were. Neighborhood politics should definitely be "hands on." ANC 6A02 is only 12 square blocks. There is no reason why your ANC Commissioner has not knocked on your door at least once. We cannot return to the politics of cronyism. We cannot return to the time when government is conducted without our input.

Especially in DC - where we have no vote (voice) at the Federal level - we must do all we can to ensure that we at least have a voice on the local level. How can we exercise that voice if our "representative" is unknown? How can we hold him accountable if we do not know his agenda? How can we support an agenda that we have had no hand in developing?

As Dr. King would say, this is "Why We Can't Wait:" six years is long enough.

We cannot wait to bring CHANGE to Our Neighborhood. We cannot wait to improve our community. We cannot wait for street lights to be replaced. We cannot wait for better trash and recycling services. We cannot wait to make this neighborhood safer for our children and ourselves.

This is why you must VOTE FOR CHANGE! This is why I have knocked on your door. This is why I continue to knock on doors. This is why I will always knock on doors. This is why I am running for ANC Commissioner in 6A02.

On November 4th, VOTE #2 - Jabriel S. Ballentine for ANC 6A02!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Building a Foundation for the Future

After seniors, young professionals are the second largest demographic in our neighborhood. As a member of that demographic, I consider myself a partner in your efforts to build a strong foundation for yourself and your family.

As you launch careers, solidify your foundations and build a future for your families, it's great to know that your representative knows the concerns of todays young professionals. Issues of tax rates, rent regulations, safety concerns and etc. have a different impact on you. Don't you think it's an advantage to have a representative who shares your concerns?

If elected to represent you, my goal would be to see a neighborhood that helps young professionals and budding families plant strong roots. Without forsaking our Seniors, we need to cultivate the chords of community amongst young professionals...these will be the families that support our neighborhood for the future.

Join the Campaign! Together we can CHANGE the shape of our neighborhood!

On November 4th, vote #2 - Jabriel S. Ballentine for ANC 6A02

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Join us For Happy Hour - Free Wine Tasting!

This Wednesday, we'll take our movement for Change to Napa 1015 (1015 H ST NE).  We'll get there at 5:30pm.  This will be a great occasion because on Wednesdays from 5 to 7pm, Napa offers free wine tastings, where you can sample four wines and help them shape their wine list.  It will be a great time!  Please come and join us.  You can RSVP through the Meetup Badge to the right (<==).

Come be the CHANGE you want to see for the neighborhood!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

So, What is the ANC?

As I knock on doors around our neighborhood, I'm repeatedly asked this question: "So, what is the ANC?"

The fact that many people don't know is a direct reflection on the need for CHANGE. What would you say about your City Councilmember, if you did not know what the Council did? What kind of impression would that leave on the Councilmember's effectiveness to serve you?

ANC stands for Advisory Neighborhood Commission. According to the DC Government website:
The Advisory Neighborhood Commissions consider a wide range of policies and programs affecting their neighborhoods, including traffic, parking, recreation, street improvements, liquor licenses, zoning, economic development, police protection, sanitation and trash collection, and the District's annual budget.
In each of these areas, the intent of the ANC legislation is to ensure input from an advisory board that is made up of the residents of the neighborhoods that are directly affected by government action. The ANCs are the body of government with the closest official ties to the people in a neighborhood.
The ANCs present their positions and recommendations on issues to various District government agencies, the Executive Branch, and the Council. They also present testimony to independent agencies, boards, and commissions, usually under the rules of procedure specific to those entities. By law, the ANCs may also present their positions to Federal agencies.
To me, the ANC is the last line of defense between the Government and the neighborhood. And, it is the front line on the effort to secure the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness for residents of the neighborhood. It will be my purpose to fend off unwanted initiatives and to ensure that fundamental needs are met.

In this neighborhood - with the rises in crime - that especially means protecting peoples personal property (and their person). That entails better street lighting, resolving parking issues, ensuring sidewalks are paved and other factors that make it more difficult for ciminals to take advantage of residents.

The ANC defends the community. And, the ANC Commissioner is your Neighborhood Defender. I would like to defend you!

Be the CHANGE you want to see for the neighborhood! On November 4th, vote for me - Jabriel S. Ballentine.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Come Help CHANGE Your Neighborhood!

In the sidebar to the left ( <==) you'll see a link to join our Google Group. The purpose of this group is to form a cadre of neighbors who will help to identify the issues faced by our neighborhood and develop solutions to those issues. Please become a member of this group.

I cannot do this alone. I would be a fool to try. I hope for your support.

Come be the CHANGE you want to see!

Keeping It Simple

When canvassing the neighborhood, I meet with neighbors and spend time talking with them. As we start talking about the campaign, the question always comes up: what are you going to do for the neighborhood?

My answer is basic: keep it simple.

But, what does that mean? I do not endeavor to have much flash. My hope is to take care of the simple things: getting sidewalks relaid, getting streetlights replaced, cleaning up the parking situation, bringing in some speed bumps and etc.

As your ANC Commissioner, my purpose would be to ensure that these little things are done. Just imagine how much safer our neighborhood would be if streetlights are replaced and our blocks have no dark spots! Just imagine much safer our neighborhood would be if everyone were able to park on his/her block - or at least near that block! With the growing amount of young families in our neighborhood, just imagine how much safer the neighborhood would be for our children if speed bumps were in place!

We can make this neighborhood better, if we just keep it simple.

Let's be the CHANGE we want to see!

On November 4, vote Jabriel S. Ballentine for ANC 6A02!