Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Creating a New Community

A funny thing happens when you try to create something better. Time and again, when people try to look out for their own interests and become involved in their community, we find that those in power wish to stop those efforts in order to hold on to power. Why must people stifle democracy in order to maintain their positions?

We must have CHANGE for Our Neighborhood!

To create a truly strong neighborhood, you must have the help of your neighbors. How can the Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner create a better community if he is not known in the community?

Would you trust someone you do not know? Would you follow someone you do not trust? Should you have a leader who you do not trust to follow?

It's been said: A leader no one follows is just taking a walk.

This may be my first campaign, but I don't plan on just taking a walk. I want to build your trust. I want to build a stronger neighborhood and I understand that I need the help of my neighbors. I want the community to know me...I want to know the community.

That is CHANGE for your neighborhood! That is why I have knocked on your doors to meet you. That is why my campaign literature has my contact information. I want you to know me...I want you to contact me. Together, I want us to create a new community.

Underhanded campaign tactics do nothing to improve the lighting on your block. Tearing down campaign signs does not build a strong community. Big time endorsements from people who do not live in our neighborhood mean nothing to the parking problems on your block. Quotes from newspapers neither make your neighborhood safer nor alleviate problems with loitering.

You need accomplishments and goals that are specific to YOUR neighborhood.

In this season of CHANGE, we cannot go back to the way things were. Neighborhood politics should definitely be "hands on." ANC 6A02 is only 12 square blocks. There is no reason why your ANC Commissioner has not knocked on your door at least once. We cannot return to the politics of cronyism. We cannot return to the time when government is conducted without our input.

Especially in DC - where we have no vote (voice) at the Federal level - we must do all we can to ensure that we at least have a voice on the local level. How can we exercise that voice if our "representative" is unknown? How can we hold him accountable if we do not know his agenda? How can we support an agenda that we have had no hand in developing?

As Dr. King would say, this is "Why We Can't Wait:" six years is long enough.

We cannot wait to bring CHANGE to Our Neighborhood. We cannot wait to improve our community. We cannot wait for street lights to be replaced. We cannot wait for better trash and recycling services. We cannot wait to make this neighborhood safer for our children and ourselves.

This is why you must VOTE FOR CHANGE! This is why I have knocked on your door. This is why I continue to knock on doors. This is why I will always knock on doors. This is why I am running for ANC Commissioner in 6A02.

On November 4th, VOTE #2 - Jabriel S. Ballentine for ANC 6A02!


Unknown said...

My jaw dropped and hasn't returned to relaxed position since reading your recent posting. I am deeply saddened by the tactics you are using in this election campaign. If you honestly believe that ANC6A02 exists as a self contained entity, without being influenced by what is happening on H street, or without the need to influence what happens on H Street, for example, you are clearly not the right candidate for our community. Joe Fengler has in fact worked extensively with the community to fix broken sidewalks and has gone out of his way to keep engaged many of us. After having a baby, my husband and I have not been able to attend as many neighborhood meetings, but Commissioner Fengler has nonetheless kept us informed and reached out to us when issues needed community input (i.e. lead pipe replacement). ANC6A02 does not need dirty politics and false accusations. We need a leader who is committed to working with EVERYONE on EVERY issue that affects us. Often, as I have learned my 5 years living here, that goes beyong the 12 blocks you refer to.

Klav said...

I must agree with dea. Please do not confuse Joe's extreme effectiveness with his lack of self-promotion.

In my personal experience, Joe Fengler has a record of action and results. In fact, my neighbors can attest to Joe's leadership in helping resolve many issues, including a serious noise problem. Joe can negotiate city hall and work hand-in-hand with residents across his community.

Joe Fengler is an exceptional and effective community leader. This community deserves another term of service from Joe Fengler.