Thursday, September 25, 2008

What is CHANGE for Our Neighborhood...

First...I can only say what my idea of change is. As I say and believe, it will not be my role as your Commissioner to dictate the agenda for our neighborhood. My role will be to sit with you and develop an agenda - TOGETHER. Then I - as your Commissioner - will execute the agenda that we have set.

That said, therein lies the definition of CHANGE as I see it. Change happens when you know your Commissioner and have a complete understanding of what the Commission does and what I will do as your Commissioner. Change comes around, with a Commissioner who is present in the Community - someone who knows where you live and knocks on your door regularly. Change comes when you don't have to seek out your Commissioner to address your concerns, because your Commissioner is seeking you out to learn from you.

Many of you have told me that you don't know who your ANC Commissioner is. Some of you don't even know what the ANC is. So many of you have asked me if there are regular meetings. To me, these questions indicate a lack of communication between the ANC and the Community that's supposedly being served.

Truly, It's Time for CHANGE!

As ANC Commissioner for 6A02, I hope to be an agent of that change. I hope to be a part of what will be a vibrant and active community of NEIGHBORS. Like a Good Neighbor (and like State Farm), I will be there!

So, I'd like for you to answer this question:

What defines a "good neighbor" to you?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Revealing My Priority Issues

In officially launching my campaign today, I wanted to take the time to list my top priority matters.

Having spent countless hours with neighbors across our Single Member District (SMD), I have come to find a recurring theme. It is this theme that defines me, my political outlook, and my hopes in serving you.

First - and foremost, I believe in old fashioned - personal - relationships. Not negating the advantage of technology, I feel that the only way to truly be a representative is to know the people your represent. My commitment is that you will know me.

In my canvassing of the neighborhood, the recurring theme is: "I don't know my Commissioner." That should not be the case. And so, I pledge to you: YOU WILL KNOW WHO I AM.

That being said, I have three priorities for my campaign. In the coming weeks, I will continue to expound my perspective on how these issues will benefit our neighborhood. Yet, for now I would like to list those issues for your thoughts and feedback:

  • Restore Sense of Community
  • Build a Safer Neighborhood
  • Bolster Economic Development
I believe that if we focus on these three things, we will be able to thoroughly enjoy our neighborhood and each other. And, from that - I believe - we will be able to CHANGE this neighborhood and create something even more beautiful!

So, please join this effort; no one person can do this alone. This is YOUR neighborhood...this is Our time! Be the CHANGE you want to see!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Check Out My Interview with the Rabbi of the National Synagogue

Last week, I was interviewed by Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld of the National Synagogue. He has a Sunday morning radio program: Shmoozin' with Shmuel.

Check out the clip and please, let me know what you think...

Shmoozin with Shmuel is hosted by Shmuel Herzfeld, Rabbi of Ohev Sholom—The National Synagogue. ( and

The show features inspiring people in the community and encourages its listeners to perform altruistic acts in an effort to bring the light of God into the world.

Prominent figures who have been interviewed include (but are not limited to):

Albert Abramson, Vivian Bass, Stuart Bernstein, Muriel Bowser, Mona Charen, Mel Cohen, William Cohen, Janet Langhart Cohen, Danielle Crittenden, David Frum, Mort Funger, Joseph Gildenhorn, Rachel Goslins, Howard Gutman, Israel Heller, Walter Isaacson, Avivah Kempner, Barbara Ledeen, Alan Leshner, Rabbi Pesach Lerner, Abbe Lowell, Max Kampelman, Samuel Lewis, David Mayberg, Alford Mcmichael, Ruth Messinger, Jack Olender, Sally Quinn, Avraham Rappaport, David Rubenstein, Sally Satel, David Schoen, Mark Shriver, Tim Shriver, Jacob Stein, Paul Taskier, Steve Trachtenberg, Ben Wattenberg, and Robert Weiner.

The show is broadcast every Sunday morning at 9 am on WUST 1120 AM.

The show is pre-taped (to meet a convenient time of the guest) during the week in the Shmoozin Studio at The National Synagogue located at 1600 Jonquil St. NW Washington DC 20012.